spiroit academy


  • Small group training discounts: save up to 15%
  • Individual training passes: save up to 43%
  • Prepaid vouchers: save up to 40%

Whether you have a large group to train at one location, or smaller numbers of staff spread throughout the country, SPIRO ITA can prepare a custom discount program that will save you money. We guarantee it! Call us at +91-9962 067 067

SPIRO ITA provides the most attractive discount opportunities in the industry – without sacrificing flexibility or convenience. When we structure a program to save you money, you don't have to sacrifice these important qualities

SPIRO ITA Small Group Discounts

In your company/College has three or more students interested in attending the same SPIRO ITA class then our small group training discounts could save you as much as fifteen percent off the cost of Training. We offer a 10% discount for 3 or 4 students attending the same class on the same date and a 15% discount for 5 or more.