Overview Of HTML
- Introduction to HTML
- History of HTML
- Syntax of HTML
- List of Form tags and their usages
- List of Table tags and their usages
- List of List tags and their usages
- Creating a static webpage using HTML tags
- Examples using HTML.
- Creating a sample webpage to display your bio-data using related HTML tags.
- Creating a sample webpage to display a class time table using TABLE tags.
Overview Of CSS
- Introduction to CSS
- History of CSS
- Syntax of CSS
- Three kinds of Style Sheets
- Exploring CSS Class and ID attributes
- Formatting Text and Fonts
- Formatting Colors and Backgrounds
- Positioning Block-Level Elements
- Creating a sample webpage to display your educational profile using related CSS attributes.
- Creating a sample webpage to display your city information using <DIV> and <SPAN> tags with related CSS attributes.
Overview Of PHP
- Introduction of PHP
- Static vs. Dynamic Web Sites
- Dynamic Content from Databases
- Developing Dynamic Internet Applications
- Client-Side Scripting vs. Server-Side Scripting
- Overview of PHP Advantages and Capabilities
- Configuring PHP.INI.
Introduction to the Apache Web Server
- Apache Configuration Files
- Configuring Apache for PHP
- WWW Sites within Apache
- Apache Virtual Hosts
- Website Properties
- Creating a sample webpage to display your city information using echo and print statements.
- Explain about PHP.INI attributes and Value changes and Apache Web server configuration.
Variables, Constants, Data Types
- Variable Types
- Data Types
- Variable Names (Identifiers)
- Variable Initialization
- Type Strength
- Variable Scope
- Constants
- Comments
- Define and About echo, print.
- Variable Declaration and Initialization.
- Creating a sample webpage to display personal information using all data types of PHP.
Control Structures - I
- The IF statement
- Using the ELSE clause with IF statement
- Nested IF clause
- The SWITCH statement
- Using the? : operator
- Creating a sample webpage to display grade message according to different marks of student using IF…ELSEIF…ELSE statements.
- Creating a sample webpage to display current day of the week using SWITCH statements.
Control Structures - II
- The WHILE statement
- The DO…WHILE statement
- The FOR statement
- BREAK and EXIT out of loops
- Nesting loops.
- Creating a sample webpage to display numbers from 1 to 50 using FOR loop.
- Creating a sample webpage to display even numbers below 50 using WHILE loop.
- Creating a sample webpage to display odd numbers below 50 using DO…WHILE and FOR loop.
PHP Operators
- Arithmetic operators
- Assignment operators
- Increment/Decrement operators
- Relational operators
- Logical operators
- String operators
- Array operators
- Creating a sample webpage to calculate sum, average of first 25 natural numbers using Arithmetic operators.
- Creating a sample webpage to check the student’s mark is eligible to write exam or not using Relational operators.
- Creating a sample webpage to display login form to check username and password using Logical operators.
PHP Arrays
- Single-Dimensional Arrays
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Associative arrays
- Accessing arrays
- Getting the size of an array
- Looping through an array
- Looping through an associative array
- Examining arrays
- Joining arrays
- Sorting arrays
- Sorting an associative arrays.
- Creating a sample webpage to display the list of car names in ascending order using Array.
- Creating a sample webpage to store the person’s name as key and age as value in associative array and sort it according to value in ascending order and descending order.
- Creating a sample webpage to store list of fruit names in array and display it in reverse order and count the fruits in array.
PHP Strings
- Formatting String for Presentation
- Formatting String for Storage
- Joining and Splitting String
- Comparing String
- Matching and replace Substring
- String Functions - Syntax and Purpose.
- Creating a sample webpage to display the person’s name and his age using formatted string function.
- Creating a sample webpage to display a given string is palindrome or not using string functions. (Ex. Madam, Malayalam, Anna)
- Creating a sample webpage to display “Welcome to World” in lowercase, uppercase, sentence case and capitalization of each word using string functions.
- Creating a sample webpage to display the number of characters in “India is our country” and display it in reverse order using string functions.
PHP Functions
- What a function
- Defining a function
- Predefined functions
- Returning value from function
- User-defined functions
- Dynamic function calls
- Accessing variable with the global statement
- Function calls with the static statement
- Setting default values for arguments
- Passing arguments to a function by value
- Passing arguments to a function by reference
- Testing for function existence
- Creating a small webpage to display the name and age of the person using user defined functions.
- Creating a small webpage to display the addition and multiplication of two numbers using user defined functions.
Working With Regular Expressions
- The basic regular expressions
- Matching patterns
- Finding matches
- Replace patterns
- Modifiers
- Breakup Strings
- Pre defined Regular Expression Functions - Syntax and Purpose.
- Creating a sample webpage to check the given domain name is valid or not using Regular Expressions.
- Creating a sample webpage to check to given email id and phone number are valid or not using Regular Expressions.
Working With File System
- Creating and deleting a file
- Reading and writing text files
- Working with directories in PHP
- Checking for existence of file
- Determining file size
- Opening a file for writing
- reading or appending
- Writing Data to the file
- Reading characters.
- Creating a sample webpage to write “Hello World!” in the text file using PHP.
- Creating a sample webpage to display the message from the text file using PHP.
Working With Forms
- Forms
- Super global variables
- The server array
- A script to acquire user input
- Importing user input
- Accessing user input
- Combine HTML and PHP code
- Using hidden fields
- Redirecting the user
- Create a sample webpage to display an employee’s information using an employee form.
- Creating a sample webpage to display the server variables. (Ex. SERVER_NAME, SERVER_ADMIN, SERVER_PORT, etc).
PHP Cookies
- Purpose of Cookies
- Cookie Myths
- Setting Cookies
- Retrieving Cookies
- Expiring Cookies
- Deleting Cookies
- Storing Arrays in Cookies
- Creating a sample webpage to display the login form and store the username as cookie value in particular period of time and retrieve it.
PHP Sessions
- What is session
- Starting a session
- Working with session variables
- Destroying session
- Passing session Ids
- Encoding and decoding session variables?
- Creating a sample webpage to display the login form and show username until the application closed.
File Upload And Email Sending
- Form Tags and Attributes - ENCTYPE
- File Uploading Rules and Regulations
- Default Setting Change for uploading large amount of File.
- Getting the File Details
- Email Sending
- SMTP and POP3 Protocols
- Creating a sample webpage to upload the image files with the size not exceed 2MB.
- Sending a Email - Web.
OOPs: Classes And Objects
- Object oriented concepts
- Define a class
- Class attributes
- Creating an object
- Object properties
- Object methods
- Object constructors and destructors
- Class constants
- Creating a sample webpage to show your education details (Name, Age, Name of Class, Name of the School, Marks, Address) using the class and objects of PHP.
OOPs: Inheritance
- Static method
- Class inheritance
- Abstract classes
- Final keyword
- Object serialization
- Checking for class and method existence
- Iterations
- Creating a sample webpage to display your personal details and education details using inheritance concepts.(Parent Class: Personal Details and Child Class: Education Details)
- Creating a sample webpage to display your company details using abstract class.
Introduction to MySQL
- What is RDBMS technology?
- Introduction to SQL
- Comparison between MYSQL
- SQL SERVER and MS-Access
- Configuring the MYSQL
- Connecting to the MYSQL
- Selecting a database
- Creating a table
- Creating a sample webpage to display server name, username and display message about connecting to the server.
- Creating a sample webpage to display message about selecting database and create a table for store employee details.
Creating Query
- Displaying returned data on Web pages
- Finding the number of rows
- Looping through database
- Inserting data
- Deleting data
- Entering and updating data
- Creating a sample webpage to display the employee details form and store it in the employee details table.
- Creating a sample webpage to display list of the employee details and give options to the user to update and delete the details.
Query With Different Kinds
- Executing multiple queries
- Constraints
- Query with ORDERBY and GROUPBY
- Wildcards
- Like operator
- Query with top keyword
- Creating a sample webpage to display the employee details using ORDERBY, GROUPBY keywords, WILDCARDS, LIKE and TOP operators.
Query Joining
- Inner Join
- Left Join
- Right Join
- Full Join
- Union
- Aggregate functions
- Scalar functions
- Creating a sample webpage to display employee details find maximum, minimum and total salary using Aggregate functions, INNER JOIN & UNION.
Enabling E-Commerce
- Required Characteristics of an E-Commerce Site
- Authentication and Authorization
- Data Validation
- Building a Custom Shopping Cart
- Persisting Shopping Cart Data Over Multiple Pages
- Criteria for Evaluating Third Party Shopping Cart Solutions
- Open Source vs. Commercial Shopping Cart Solutions
- Order Processing via the Web
- Creating a sample shopping cart website with sample products and order processing of products.
Content Management System (CMS)
- Introduction of CMS
- The benefits of using a CMS
- Overview of CMS Tools and Comparison between the tools (Wordpress, Joomla, etc)
- Install and Configuring the CMS Tool - Wordpress
- Super User Usage in CMS Tool
- Content Manipulation in Wordpress Blog
- Creating a sample Blog by using the Wordpress and Content Manipulation.