Overview Of HTML
- Introduction of HTML
- History of HTML, markup languages, latest version of HTML
- Introduction to HTML tags & HTML syntax
- Versions of HTML
- Adding Tables to a Page
- Working with <table>, <thead>, <tbody>, <tr>, <td>, <th> and <caption> Elements
- Table Attributes
- Creating Nested Tables
- Creating a sample webpage to display class time table using TABLE tags.
Constructing Forms
- <form> Tags and Attributes
- Single-line and Multi-line Text Fields
- Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
- Dropdown and Selection Lists
- Submit and Reset Buttons
- Creating a sample webpage to display a student application form using FORM elements in HTML.
- Types of Lists
- Ordered Lists
- Unordered Lists
- Definition Lists
- Creating List Items Using the <li> Tag
- Creating Nested Lists
- Creating a sample webpage to display the list of any 10 fruits using ORDERED LISTS.
- Creating a sample webpage to display the list the world wonders using UNORDERED LISTS.
Anchor & Text Tags
- Anchor tags
- Links with images and buttons
- Links to send email messages
- Text fonts and styles
- Background colors and images
- Marquee Behavior
- Creating a sample webpage using Links, Images, and Marquee.
- Creating a sample webpage(s) using only HTML Tags.
Overview Of CSS
- Introduction Of CSS
- History Of CSS, Latest Version Of Html
- Introduction To CSS Attributes & Syntax
- Three Kinds Of Style Sheets
- Creating a sample webpage using three kinds of style sheets.
Exploring CSS Class and ID Attributes
- Defining The CSS Class Attribute & ID Attribute
- Creating Block-Level HTML Tags & Inline HTML Tags
- Creating a sample webpage using CSS class and id.
Formatting Text and Fonts
- Font Families
- Font Size
- Kerning, Leading, and Indenting
- Creating a sample webpage using different fonts with different font families.
Formatting Colors and Backgrounds
- The Color Attribute
- The Background Attribute
- Background Colors and Images
- Creating a sample webpage using different background images and colors for different areas.
Positioning Block-Level Elements
- Relative and Absolute Positioning
- Formatting The Block-Level Box Model
- Element Visibility Controls
- Creating a sample webpage using positioning many elements.
- Creating a sample webpage to display div and span elements with different background colors. .
Floats & Clearing
- Floating Images beside Text and Adding Margin Space
- Positioning with Negative Margins
- Creating a sample webpage using floating many elements and also show margin, border with different colors.
- Creating template using table tag
- Creating template using div tag
- Creating a sample webpage using table tags only.
- Creating a sample webpage using div tags only.
Overview of JavaScript
- Introduction of JavaScript
- Embedding JavaScript in an XHTML Document
- Evolution of the JavaScript Language
- JavaScript Versions and Browser Support
- Inline JavaScript
- Linking Web Pages to External JavaScript Files
- JavaScript Using <script> Tags and Attributes
- Deferred scripts
- <noscript> Tags
- Creating a sample webpage to display “Hello World” using XHTML.
- Creating a sample webpage to display “Welcome To World” using Document.write() and inline JavaScript.
Statements and Operators
- Variable Declarations
- Assignment Operators and Statements
- Arithmetic Operators
- Logical Operators
- Comparison Operators
- String Operators
- Conditional Operators
- Operator Precedence
- Creating a small application to add, subtract, multiply, divide two numbers using JavaScript operators.
- Creating a small application to add two strings using + operator.
- Creating a small application to check the given age is eligible to vote or not using comparison operator.
Implementing Control Constructs
- Introduction to Conditional and Looping Constructs
- The if else Statements
- The do while Statements
- The for in Statements
- The switch Statement
- Creating a small application to show the message according to current time using IF ELSE statements.
- Creating a small application to display the numbers from 1 to 25 using FOR statements.
- Creating a small application to display the numbers less than 15 using WHILE statements.
- Creating a small application to display the week-day using SWITCH statements.
Implementing Arrays
- Using Arrays in JavaScript
- Predefined JavaScript Object Arrays
- Creating Arrays
- Reading and Writing to an Array
- Common Array Properties and Methods
- Creating a small application to show list of car names using JavaScript arrays.
- Creating a small application to sort the given numbers using JavaScript arrays.
Implementing Functions
- Defining Functions
- Invoking Functions
- Named and Anonymous Functions
- Passing Arguments
- Local vs. Global Variables
- Using the return Statement
- Creating a small application to show the person name and his job using JavaScript functions.
- Creating a small application to show the multiply of given two numbers (passing arguments) using JavaScript functions.
JavaScript Objects
- The JavaScript Browser Object Model
- JavaScript Object Properties
- Object Methods
- The new Keyword
- The this Keyword
- Creating New Object Instances Using Constructor Functions
- String, Date and Array Objects
- Creating a small application to show the person’s personal details using JavaScript objects.
- Creating a small application to show today date using JavaScript Date object.
- Creating a small application to show “Hello World” in lowercase and uppercase using JavaScript String methods.
- Overview of JavaScript Cookies
- Session and Persistent Cookies
- Using Cookies on a Web Page
- Common Uses of JavaScript Cookies
- Creating a small application to store the name and display welcome message at particular period of time using JavaScript Cookies.
Common Applications
- Form Validation and Testing
- Working with Regular Expressions
- User Interaction
- Local Form Processing
- Object Detection
- Creating New Windows
- Adding Content to a Window
- Browser Awareness Using the navigator Object
- Interactive Graphics
- Creating a student details form and validate for empty, number, and email using JavaScript.
- Creating a small application to show the given letter appears or not in “Hello World” using JavaScript Regular Expressions.